
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Engagement Photos

Only 3 months until I get to marry Casey! I am so excited! With finals and work, I haven't been able to do much planning lately, but now that it is summer I will be able to get a lot more done! Also, I got accepted to the University of Utah, so I for sure get to go to school there next year! Hopefully I will be able to get into their nursing program, which I apply for in a little bit. I just got a job at Abercrombie, so I will be able to quit my job in Provo in a few weeks, that way I won't have to drive to Provo almost everyday. I'm also hoping to get a job at Primary Children's Hospital, just to keep up some hospital experience. Casey just started a job as a phlebotomist at University of Utah Hospital, so we are both really excited about that! We got our engagement photos back a few days ago, and I am really happy with the way they turned out!(Thanks to Chloe Nguyen Photography) If you want to receive an invite to our wedding reception, go to and go to "guests" then enter your name and address in the message section. You can also view wedding details and our registries on our website! Anyway, here are some of our photos!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why I am Getting Married

I am getting married on August 1st, and I am incredibly excited! It is really interesting how some people think I am way to young to get married, and some people think that an 8.5 month engagement is ridiculously long. But as I have noticed that everyone has their specific opinion on marriage or on when they think the perfect time to get married is, I have noticed that I have my own opinion on marriage and when it should happen, and that it is my opinion that should determine when I get married.

Casey and I first started talking about getting married about 1.5 years ago, the summer after we graduated high school. At that time, we though it sounded great, and pretty much just figured it would happen sometime down the road if it was right. At that time, we thought he would be going on a mission, and figured it would be at least a few years away. As time went on, we both realized more and more that we want to marry each other, and we fell more and more in love. When we started going to college and living in different cities, only seeing each other once every 1-2 weeks, we realized how much we love each other, and it was during that time that we started to realize that we were definitely going to get married. We thought that he would go on a mission that summer, he would come back two years later, and we would get married right when he came back. As the time he was planning on going on a mission came closer he decided not to go (completely personal decision, maybe I'll write about that later...). Compared to waiting for him while he was on a mission, getting married in 1.5 years seemed really soon, so we thought we would maybe get married December 2015. After realizing that would be really long and getting married between semesters would be complicated, we decided on August 2015.

In about July 2014, I really started to think seriously about marrying him. I knew it was what I wanted to do, but I wanted to make sure that it was the right thing to do. After a few weeks of praying and really thinking about it, I decided that marrying him is what is right for my life. Since we knew for a fact that our marriage would happen we started talking about getting engaged, and pretty much decided that getting engaged sooner than later would be a good idea so we could start telling everyone and planning the wedding. So we got engaged on November 9, 2014. I was so happy, just ask him (:

From the time before we got engaged, both of us knew that August would be the right time to get married. We didn't know why, but we just knew it. We even talked about moving the date sooner, but it just never felt right. When we got engaged, we thought that when we would get married, I would still go to BYU and he would still go to the U, and we would both live in Provo. At the time, I also thought I would be a dietetics major. In the middle of December, I started working at the hospital, and realized that I LOVE working there. I realized that I love caring for and talking to the patients, which made me decide to switch my major to nursing. When I realized that I want to do nursing, everything started to come together. I also realized that it completely explained why I felt so set on getting married in August rather than earlier. Since I will be applying to the nursing programs at the U, UVU, and BYU (nursing is really competitive.....), I won't know what school I will be going to for the rest of college until the beginning of this summer. Which is exactly why I am supposed to get married in August rather than earlier. This will give us some time from the time I find out where I get in to school to decide where we are going to live, while still giving us some time to get settled in before school starts. It is so crazy but amazing to me that both Casey and I intuitively knew that we should get married in August, even though we had no idea that I would be switching majors, or even schools. Now that I have decided what I am supposed to do, everything is coming together, and everything feels so right.

There have been a million and one people who have commented on how long our engagement is, or people who have asked why it is so long. Or people who have commented on how we are so young and we should wait until we are done with school to get married. Through my experience of falling in love and making the decision of getting married, I have realized that it is a very personal experience. I know for a fact that August 1, 2015 is the right day that I should be getting married. It just feels right, and the feeling of peace and joy that I get about this decision is enough for me.